Studies submitted for publication as full text must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.

The written language is Turkish or English.

There is no obligation for Turkish abstract and Turkish title for those whose presentation and full-text language is English. The title text should be written in centered, capital letters, bold, and 12 points. Under the title, “Author’s Name and Surname ” should be written in 11 points, again in the middle, and a footnote by number should be given at the end of the surname. In the footnote, the title, department or institution, e-mail information, and ORCID number should be added.

The abstract information of the full text should be 10 points and between 150-300 words. The first line should be indented 0.75, and the intervals should be the first 6nk, then 6nk. The text should be 1.50 line-spaced and justified. Keywords should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words. The first letters of the keywords should be capitalized and a comma should be placed between them. The order of the keywords should be alphabetical and the format should be as follows. The names of the authors should not be included in the summary information in English and should be as follows.

Body texts (excluding bibliography, picture, figure, map, etc. attachments) should be at least twenty (20), maximum thirty (30) pages, written in Microsoft Office Word program with Times New Roman font, 11 points size, first-line 0.75 indented, the spacing should be 6nk first, then 6nk, 1.50 lines apart and justified. Between paragraphs, there should be 6 pt before and after 6 pt space. The footnote system at the bottom of the page should be used as the citation system in the Basic Field of Law. You can prepare the full text more easily using this template.

Footnotes should be 10-point Times New Roman, single-spaced, and justified. Editor, the spelling of articles, etc. reserves the right to make minor changes. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association (Türk Dil Kurumu) should be taken as a basis, except for special cases necessitated by the full text or the subject. Be consistent in the spelling and spelling of the words, which contain diacritical letters. References must be given at the end of the article. Bibliography and citations should be prepared in accordance with the Law Basic Field standard. For detailed information, please visit the web page: ukksempozyum/yazim-yayin-ilkeleri/

At the end of each work, there should be a bibliography in accordance with the rules stated below, and the sources used should be shown in the footnote.

Page numbers, headers, and footers will not be used in full texts.

The introduction and main headings in the article should be left-justified and numbered with “roman numerals” and in capital letters, subheadings A, B, C, D … and only the first letter will be capitalized; if there is a sub-heading 1, 2, 3, 4 … and should be written with only the first letters capitalized. Any other style will not be applied.

Works must be sent to the editorship via e-mail within the framework of the rules specified here. In the submitted works, the name of the author, the information of the institution where he works, ORCID numbers, and e-mail address must be clearly and accurately stated.

It is accepted that the authors have made the final checks of the works they have sent and have given their consent to be sent for publication in this way.

All publishing rights of the published full texts belong to Çağ University. In case of quoting from the published full texts, it is obligatory to indicate the source. The opinions in the published full texts belong to the author, and the responsibility in terms of legal and scientific ethics rests entirely with the author.

Submitted studies are taken into the publication process after the evaluation of the Referee Board. Submitted full texts are not returned whether they are published or not. No royalties are paid to the authors whose articles are published.

The decision authority on matters not mentioned here belongs to the Symposium Organizing Committee.

Attribution Rules

  1. The footnote system under the page should be used.
  2. When a work is cited for the first time, all details of the source should be indicated as follows.

-Book (Single Author)

Author’s Name and Surname (only “Initialscapitalized); Title of Book (Book title should be written in bold), Number of Editions, Place of Publication, Year Published, referenced page number.

-Book (Two Authors)

Author’s Name, Surname and Author’s Name and Surname (only ” Initials capitalized); Title of Book ( Book title should be written in bold), Number of Editions, Place of Publication, Year Published, referenced page number.

-Book (Three Authors)

Author’s Name and Surname, Author’s Name and Surname (only ” Initials ” in capital letters); Title of Book (Book title should be written. in bold), Number of Editions, Place of Published, Year Published, referenced page number.

-Book (Multiple Authors)

Author’s Name and Surname and others (only ” Initials ” in capital letters and “References” include the names of all authors, where the first author’s name and surname and others); Title of Book (Book title should be written in bold) Number of Editions, Place of Publication, Year Published, referenced page number.

-Translated Book

Author’s Name and Surname (only “ Initials capitalized ); Title of Book ( Book title should be written. in bold), (Translator: Name and Surname of Translator; Translation Book Title, Edition, Place, Year), Edition, Place, Year), Page Number.


Author’s Name and Surname (only “Initialscapitalized); “Article name”, Journal name (Journal Name should be written in italics), Volume:, Issue:, First and Last Page Page Range, Year, Page Number, website (if any), date of access.

-Conference Paper

Author’s Name and Surname (only “ Initials capitalized ); “Title of Paper”, Editor’s Name and Surname (Editor), Conference Name, Place, Date.


Author’s Name and Surname (only “ Initials capitalized ); “ Thesis Title”, Type: Master-PhD (Type should be written in italics ), University, Institute, Year, Page Number.

– Court order

Authority Relevant Department, Date, Basis, Decision (Source).

-Internet address

Author’s Name and Surname (only “Initials” capitalized ); Media, Title, e.t.

(“e.t.” refers to the date of access.)

  1. After the first citation is made, the citation should be continued by stating only “Author’s Surname, the page to be cited” in the following sections.
  2. If more than one work of the same author is cited, a short name should be given to the works in order to distinguish the works in the citations following the first citations, and these short names should be written in parentheses at the end in the bibliography.

(Author’s Surname, Short Name of the Work, page to be cited.)

  1. If there is more than one citation in a footnote, the citations should be separated by semicolons (;).
  2. In the bibliography, the references should be listed in alphabetical order of the author’s surnames by removing the page number to be cited in the last part in accordance with the citation rules given above.